Tej Kohli: The Indian tech billionaire who plans to turbocharge Britain's start-up scene
It’s a rainy afternoon in Mayfair, and Indian billionaire Tej Kohli says he has an “important question” to ask.
“Would you like some white wine?”
Kohli, a 61-year-old technology investor, is seated in an armchair in a private room at 5 Hertford Street, the exclusive private members club where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had one of their first dates.
Smartly dressed in a grey double-breasted suit, Kohli talks so excitedly about his investments and his $200m (£162m) fund that he nearly spills his wine.
“It's like being a child in a candy store,” he says of investing in the technology sector. “Whatever [you] pick up is wonderful!”
Joel Gibbard, the head of 3D-printed bionic limb firm Open Bionics which has raised money from Kohli, absent-mindedly fiddles with a bionic limb in front of the lit fireplace, making its plastic fingers curl and relax with a mechanical whirring noise.

Kohli has so far spent around £40m backing British technology firms such as Open Bionics and machine learning start-up Seldon.
He has also backed an American firm which is developing artificial blood, another business attempting to digitise tastes and smells using sensors, and one fledgling company which plans to discover future professional video game players.
Now, he’s keen for the businesses to expand around the world and for the UK to lead Europe when it comes to technology. “What is our country famous for now other than Brexit? We have to be known for innovation,” he says.
He complains that start-up executives such as Gibbard spend too much time having to raise money, and not enough time expanding their businesses.
“You have to globalise. This is the only way these businesses are going to grow.”
Kohli enthusiastically explains his vision for companies such as Open Bionics: They start life in the UK but take their products overseas to India and China, taking advantage of the giant markets there.
He recalls Open Bionics telling him that the business could reach 20 orders a month for its bionic limbs if they become available on the NHS. “We can get them in one city in China or one small city in India,” he says.

Kohli knows India well. He was born in Delhi in 1958 to parents who he describes as “quite well-known, even though they weren't rich”.
His father worked as a newspaper journalist, and his mother was a diplomat who traveled the world with her family when Kohli wasn’t in boarding school. “We went wherever they went. We had no choice,” Kohli recalls.
Kohli eventually ended up in Costa Rica where he met his wife Wendy. He founded an e-commerce firm named Grafix Softech in the late nineties which specialised in handling high-risk online payments.
The investor counts off the industries it operated in on his fingers: “Travel, dating, gaming, we didn't go into porn or anything like that.”
Kohli then moved into investments, buying up real estate in Germany, Abu Dhabi and India, before turning his hand to backing early stage technology firms.
He now lives with his wife and two teenage children in a large house in Henley-On-Thames which was previously home to fund manager Neil Woodford.
The family also has a house in Marbella, where Kohli says he was recently recognised by a group of teenagers at dinner thanks to one of his newest passions: investing in professional video game teams and companies.
Last year, French “esports” team Vitality announced that Kohli had spent €20m (£17.7m) to buy a stake in the business.
Kohli says he backed the team after watching an esports game held at Wembley Stadium.
“I was watching all these people downstairs and they were going crazy. It's like watching World Cup football,” he recalls. Kohli consulted his son, who is a keen video game player, and decided to invest.
Months after his investment in the team, Kohli’s son told him that his friends weren’t able to buy Vitality merchandise because it had run out of stock.
“I was so pissed off,” Kohli says. “One of our sponsors is Adidas. We agreed to them making our merchandise. Well, they are not making enough of it.”
Despite his plan to back more esports businesses including teams in the UK and to pump millions more into Vitality, Kohli admits that he doesn’t actually enjoy watching esports.
“I wish I could tell you that I appreciate it when I see the games,” he says. “I don't. I cannot understand how you can get pleasure out of something like that.”
Kohli says that part of his desire to buy stakes in esports firms comes from a decades-long rivalry with Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots.
“I don’t like him,” Kohli says. He bid against the American businessman in the 1988 sale of the American football team as a partner in a rival group.
“We lost to him by $9m,” Kohli says, “so I never forgave him for that.”
Their rivalry intensified in 2017 when Kraft bought his own esports team, Boston Uprising.

Aside from esports and his rivalry with Kraft, Kohli is keen to discuss his charity work. The investor has donated millions to caring for disabled children and curing corneal blindness in people in India.
“It's like Schindler's List,” Kohli says of paying for cornea transplants. “You do a few, you have to save a few more.”
He recalls watching a 52-year-old man see his wife and adult sons for the first time thanks to a cornea transplant he sponsored.
“That was an eye opener, if you'll pardon the pun,” Kohli says. “I was just stunned when I saw that.”
Kohli’s day job is closer to home, however. He half-jokingly admonishes one of his employees for failing to refill an empty wine glass. “What about giving him some more wine,” he says, “what happened to your hospitality?”
British hospitality is clearly important to Kohli, who is keen to help the UK emerge from what he sees as the “setback” of Brexit.
One of the UK’s strengths, he says, is its network of private members’ clubs such as 5 Hertford Street.
“This is the best club in the world,” he says, before suggesting its arch rival Annabel's as another contender. “I hope I haven't said that too loudly,” he jokes.
“These are world class places,” Kohli says. “You come here in the evening, you can't even walk around. George Clooney will be sitting next to you. Everybody who's anybody is here. This is what we do well. But this is a thing of the past.”

Kohli says he would “gladly” invest in a technology campus in London which takes advantage of the capital’s network of entrepreneurs.
He speaks enviously of the 366,000 square foot Station F office in Paris, which French telecoms billionaire Xavier Niel spent $300m building.
“We need one of those here,” Kohli says. “Surely we can do better. There are richer people here, more English speakers.”
Kohli announced last year that he has invested another $100m into his British investment fund, Rewired.
He hopes to take over his start-ups once they have grown successful, a prospect which is unlikely to appeal to all founders.
“We become the majority shareholders if we can,” Kohli says, although he admits that “a lot of times you can't because the owners are proud people.”
For this Indian investor, backing some of the UK’s most innovative, smallest start-ups is the best way to improve the country's standing on the world stage.
“This is a way to move forward,” he says. “It's darkest before the dawn. Let's just use this as an opportunity to launch forward in ways that we have not been able to.”